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Runaway Revs

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:05 pm
by Sunfly
Had a scary moment this morning :o :?

Shops and non essential businesses are open, but instead of getting my haircut (I've only had one in 14 months) I treated the Flying Machine to a mini valet at our local Polish handwash. Got into the usual conversation about the Probe with a chap with a Land Rover and resisted the temptation to tell him what I thought of Land Rovers as I would have needed to use the turd word, then it was time to go.

FM started at the first turn of the key, but revved very hard. I pulled away and it was accelerating towards the road without my foot on the throttle. I held it back on the brakes and got safely out onto the road where it behaved itself a bit better, but when I got to traffic lights, it revved to over 4500 and I had to cut the engine. It was reasonably open road from there on so I carried on whilst trying to figure out what was going on. I guessed a sticky throttle component somewhere but what and why. Then I started to wonder what could have happened in a car handwash? Then I put my hand down and tugged on the mat. Sure enough the problem went away. Those scallywag's in the carwash had put the mat back, resting on the throttle.

So my question for Trev is do I have this post in the right section? Should this fault and how to fix it, be a permanent feature in the Technical Database - Engine Over-revving section?

Re: Runaway Revs

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:11 pm
by Micron
I think that it is something to consider if you do experience a similar problem, because we all know that there is always more than one possible problem and that the answer is normally the most simplest one!

Re: Runaway Revs

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:42 pm
by Kit
May be you should post this problem on the Polish Probe Owners Club :)
& see what sort of reply’s you get :lol: :lol:


Re: Runaway Revs

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:41 am
by Sunfly
Kit wrote:
Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:42 pm
May be you should post this problem on the Polish Probe Owners Club :)
& see what sort of reply’s you get :lol: :lol:

I got rid of a Polish welder for a lot of very dodgy goings on, I won't say what, but maybe this was the boys getting their own back! :D

Re: Runaway Revs

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:27 am
by jrh
Yes but,, they didn't know the Probe was 'rev-limited' to was it 6 or 6.5 thousand revs/min !

Re: Runaway Revs

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:50 am
by Sunfly
jrh wrote:
Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:27 am
Yes but,, they didn't know the Probe was 'rev-limited' to was it 6 or 6.5 thousand revs/min !
Usually the FM is the last away at the lights these days, as everything on 4 wheels is quicker, but at 6500 revs it might have been me for once. :D

Having said that though, John, if you are cruising at say 70, then you put your foot down, it accelerates like s@*t off a stick :D allegedly ! :lol: It loves that high rev range.